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Friday, August 20, 2010

Why look at millionaires

Over the past several weeks, we have been spot-lighting several modern millionaires. I wanted to pause and point out why we are looking at these various millionaires. We are not doing this to make others feel bad, but I am choosing millionaires who, in general, came from humble beginnings, like most of us. Some of these millionaires have higher educations, but many did not have advanced degrees from prestigious colleges. So, why look at millionaires?

I am choosing to spotlight various millionaires to see what we can learn from them. Sometimes it may feel demoralizing to read about self-made millionaires, but these types of people are made every day. They are not born into the money, they find something and make the most out of what they have discovered. The concept of our millionaire spotlights is to hopefully provide some inspiration for you and perhaps there will be something that they do which you can do that may make you into the next millionaire.

Keep in mind, the modern millionaire is not necessarily the person who fly around in their own jets and sports all kinds of expensive clothing and jewelry. Those types of millionaires are not that common anymore. You may be surprised, but many of the modern millionaires may be living in your neighborhood. These people may still live in middle-class neighborhoods, work full-time and shop at the local Wal-Marts.

Currently, the modern rich are not as willing to flaunt their wealth, but are more inclined to reinvest it for future growth. These are the people who work because they love what they do, not because they have to work. They are able to educate their children the way they wish, and are not limited to just the public school systems. Despite this recession, there are still millionaires among us. Did you know that in order to be listed in the Forbes 400 list of the richest Americans, a Billionaire no longer qualifies? Now, (in 2010) you have to have a net worth of at least $1.3 billion before you can be listed in the Forbes 400. So, the rich may still be getting richer, they are just more quiet about it.

OK, so now we know why we are looking at millionaires weekly. If they live among us, what really makes them different from us? Some of the millionaires say that it is critical to set your goals and stick with them. Do not lose sight of where you want to be, despite the obstacles that may crop up. Defining your goals and sticking to them are what will help you to become wealthy.
Another important point is to continue your education. Even if you think you know everything about your area of "expertise", there is always more to learn. Keep reading, asking questions, and looking for others who are in the same field that you are focused on. Education does not necessarily mean you have to continue to spend time in classrooms. You can attend one day seminars, subscribe to magazines and talk to other experts in the field. No matter where you look, there is always an opportunity to continue to learn. If you are the ultimate expert in your field, then perhaps you should go out and start learning something new that may be somewhat related to your area of expertise. The key is to continue learning. Learning is what will keep your mind sharp, and learning will allow you to find other ways to improve current situations.

We will continue talking about what else the millionaires next door do next week. We could learn a lot from these self made millionaires, perhaps one day one of those millionaires will be us.

If you are interested in adding to your current income stream, or looking for a second income stream, check out our website for additional ideas. We have several business opportunities that may help to supplement your income. We always welcome questions, so feel free to either leave a comment or e-mail us at hawgwash1@yahoo.com.

Until tomorrow (actually, since tomorrow is my day off, Until Sunday...)...

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