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Sunday, August 1, 2010

More STEMTech Information

Well, I am pleased to see that already STEMTech has posted their new logo on our back office. I am sure it is going to take some time to get the new logo inserted all over the website, but I really like the new look. It is clean, edgier (is that really a word?) and just cool. The logo I have posted here is the new one that was unveiled on Friday. I have even more STEMTech information, I have been eagerly watching for the specifics on the new ST5 with MigraStem that was also announced at the Friday web cast.

STEMTech has posted the product information on the new product, ST5. You can read all about this wonderful new product here. We are all learning about this new product together since I was unable to attend the annual conference this year. You can bet, I will strive to move heaven and earth in order to attend next year's convention. The biggest conflict I had was that the convention coincided with our preparations for heading out to Custer, SD for the 70th annual Sturgis Motorcycle rally.

In a nutshell, what ST5 can do for your body is to allow your adult stem cells to be absorbed more readily into the tissues. ST5 provides high quality proteins, essential vitamins, minerals and enzymes for balanced energy. The coolest part about ST5 is that it is not in a pill form like StemEnhance and StemFLO. Granted, I don't mind the pills, but it is really nice to not have everything in a pill form. I can also mix ST5 in virtually any liquid, so if I want a quick pick-me-up juice, I can add ST5 to it and get an even better boost.

I should have some ST5 here in about a week, so if any of you are local to me and interested in trying our new product, ST5, please feel free to contact me to arrange a meeting and tasting. I can't wait to get my new product and play with it. I have had such good results with the StemEnhance and StemFLO that I can only imagine how great I will feel by adding ST5 to that mix. By the way, our dogs are continuing to be fantastic with the StemPETS product. They each get a half a tablet each day, and now we are using it as a "treat", even though they only get a half a tablet each day.

Now you can see why I am so excited tonight. The information on ST5 is out, the product should be shipping shortly and we will be able to continue on our improved health... That is all I have for now. If you need or want more STEMTech information, please feel free to e-mail at hawgwash1@yahoo.com with your questions.

Until tomorrow...

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