Honestly, who in their right mind really and truly believes that there is a magic bullet system out there that can resolve all their financial woes? Really... Guess what folks, there is no magic bullet. The only 'magic bullet' I have ever know is good, hard, honest work. That's it. If you want something done, you have to work at it in order to get it done. You cannot think it done. You may believe you can think things done, but there has to be some exchange of energy to get other things done. It is the law of physics. Money does not just roll in your door just because you purchased this nifty computer program and it is doing all your selling for you. Come on, do you really believe that?
Granted systems do work, but not the way most of them are promoted. Systems work because somebody did the work and figured out a way to streamline a process. Purchasing a system may be helpful to your small business because is streamlines a process, but you need to look critically at what you are being offered. Will it resolve some problem that you have been struggling with? Will it do a particular task that you have been manually doing? The bigger question is, what does the person selling the program get out of this? If it is just money for the program, and the program works for what you need, great, it's not a magic bullet, but a solution to a particular problem you are having. Otherwise, if this 'system' is going to generate leads for you to sell someone else's stuff, how can that really help you? You may read about how Joe Blow earned a six-figure income in the first 4 weeks of using the system, but Joe Blow may have been the first person to use the program.
The minute this program is offered to the world for sale, do you really think that it is going to work for everyone? It MAY work for the first few who use it, but my bet is that it will not work for everyone. If it did, you wouldn't see any other offers out there, would you? If one system worked as well as it is promoted to, and generated as much money as they claim for EVERYONE, then EVERYONE would have gotten on the bus and there would be no more competition. But you are probably seeing at least 2 or 3 offers for the latest and greatest magic bullet that will solve all of your financial worries on a daily basis. If they discovered the one solution to all your problems, why are there so many other "solutions" out there?
What I find interesting is that I am receiving the same offer for a particular software solution from several different people (none of whom I know). The wording is slightly different, but they are all hawking the exact same system just adding different bonus packages to it. If it works so well, why is everyone selling it? Would you give away your company secret because you have already made all the money you possibly want? Come on now...really? I believe there are people out there who have made as much money as they want, and that is fine. Those people also most likely give back to their community by helping others. I just seriously doubt that those same people would tell you that they purchased this one program that solved all of their problems and they want to sell that system to YOU. It's just not there.
We have been doing a weekly series on modern millionaires and the common theme within this series is that the particular person worked their tail off getting to where they are today. There was no magic bullet, there was no working 2-3 hours a day to make their millions. They worked hard, they put in long days for YEARS to get to where they are now. They also had bumps in the road, there were failures, but then as they worked, there were also fabulous successes. But the common thread to all of those millionaires is that they WORKED for what they have today.
Some of them were lucky, found a niche that worked well for them, found a need that had been previously untapped, but even with that luck there was a lot of good-old fashioned work (sweat equity) involved to making those millions. I have not met or read about one modern millionaire who just waved their hands in the air, purchased one 'magic bullet' software program and "POOF" all the money they could ever want came rolling into their life. There is no magic bullet, no matter how much you wish there was. Heck I really wish there was a magic bullet that would solve all of my financial woes.
When you see offers for systems that will make you a six-figure income in a short period of time, take a step back and really look at what they are offering. Is it something that you could really and honestly use? We have talked about additional income streams, and having more than one income stream is important, but take a good hard look at what is being offered. I have seen a frightening number of people get bamboozled into purchasing programs that they don't need, won't use, or don't understand and then wonder where the money is. Do not lose your head when you read these offers.
Keep in mind, if you expect to make money, there will be a large amount of work involved. It will not be easy, but in the end, you will be able to look back on it all with pride and see that you earned every penny you have. There are good, legitimate business opportunities out there, but as in any opportunity, there will be work of some type involved. The key is to find the business opportunity that suits your personality, your work ethic, your passion. If you are doing something you are passionate about (we have covered this before too...), then it won't feel much like work, but there will be (should be) some version of sweat equity in any business opportunity you enter into.
There is no magic bullet. Do not expect to purchase one thing that will solve all of your problems. How do they know what your problems are? How do they know how much money you want to make? And again, how do they know that this will work all the time, every time.
In a nutshell, when presented with other opportunities or solutions, look carefully at what is offered. Focus on what they are selling, do not get lost in all the wonderful stories they will tell you about how Joe Blow and Jane Doe made so much money while they slept. Look at what is being offered, how it works, and then ask yourself, if it is so great, why are they selling it to everyone? A bigger question to ask is, "Will it blend well with what I am currently doing?" Don't lose sight of your core competency. If you wander out of what you are good at, you will probably not do well in the new endeavor. Even if you are told this is an "Exclusive Offer", do you personally know the person who is making this offer to you? If not, then odds are that same message is being sent to thousands of people at the same time. Look before you jump.
If you are looking for second income streams, we do have some different ones that may interest you. Not all business opportunities are for everyone, so look carefully and ask a lot of questions. If we do not have anything that is interesting to you, send us an e-mail, even though we may not offer a solution, we may know someone, somewhere that may have what you are looking for. We are here to help, and if we refer you to someone else, we do not get compensated for the referral, nor would we want to be compensated. It is not our style. Happy hunting, feel free to shoot us an e-mail if you have questions, we may be able to assist. If not, we will tell you that too..
Until tomorrow...
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