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Friday, August 6, 2010

My Superhero's Special Power


If I were a superhero, I am not sure I would want one special power. How super could I be with only one super power...Spiderman had more than one superpower, Superman had more than one power...Even Batgirl had more than one super power. But if I HAD to choose one, then I would want to have super speed.

If I had super speed, like Superman had, I could stop accidents before they occurred, I could help people and animals not get hurt, and heck, I could get a lot more work done in the same amount of time. Can you imagine how much faster my typing would be...I guess I would need a super keyboard too..

Super speed would be helpful in getting from one place to another, so there would be no real need for air travel unless I wanted to take it slow. If I were going super fast, I probably wouldn't get rained on either, because my speed would dry the rain right off of me.

As a child, I always had a crush on Superman too...so it would be cool to have at least one of the same powers he had...

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