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Monday, August 2, 2010

More Fun Facts

Yes, it is Monday, so that must mean it is time to provide you with more fun facts. Hopefully this little segment on Monday's is helping you to cope with the "after the weekend blues". I have fun digging this information up, not sure how long I will be able to keep up the digging, but we will continue as long as I can find some fun things to divulge:

Did you know that if you are right handed, you will tend to chew your food on your right side? If you are left handed, you will tend to chew your food on your left side. After I found this little factoid, I started paying attention to my chewing and only discovered that I now tend to bite my cheeks more because I am thinking so hard about which side of my mouth I am chewing on. Now that you are aware of this piece of information, I dare you to not think about it when you eat. I have tried to start chewing on the opposite side, just to prove the fact wrong...not working too well for me...

This next piece of information is really not fun as much as important, especially for those of us living in the desert... did you know that if you stop getting thirsty, you need to drink more water. When the human body is dehydrated, it's thirst mechanism shuts off. I have also been told that if you are feeling thirsty, you are already dehydrated. It is very important to focus on staying hydrated. If you stay hydrated, you will notice that your skin will look better, and you will feel better overall. I know, something we should all KNOW, but hey, nobody said we all LISTENED to our mothers...

This next piece of information I will have to try. Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying. I don't usually have problems when peeling onions, only once and a while a particularly strong onion gets me to tear up. I do know my mother ALWAYS cried when peeling an onion. I thought it was because she hated peeling onions, but perhaps her eyes are more sensitive to them than my eyes are.

Now, this next fact I find ironic and funny: The Titanic was the first ship to use the SOS signal. Gee, I wonder why???

For those of you who have family or spouses that don't react a bunch when you give gifts, this next tidbit may be very helpful - The pupil of the eye expands as much as 45 percent when a person looks at something pleasing. This could also be very helpful when you are trying to determine WHAT gift to get for someone. You probably have someone in your life who claims they "don't want anything...really" but you still would love to get some kind of gift for them. Now, unless they are in major control of their body, you can potentially take them to the store to look at things you think they will like and watch their pupils.... if you see the pupils dilate, then you know that is something you can go back and get because the recipient WILL find it pleasing.

I will leave you with this last little piece of useless information - Dalmatians are born without spots. Does anyone really know about this one? I never heard about that, and I thought the spots were there from birth. Now I have to hunt around to find out if this piece is true..

Next Monday will be another installment of more fun facts. Hopefully some or all these gave you something to smile about.

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Until tomorrow...

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