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Monday, February 1, 2010

Weekly Weight Management Update

Well, I know it is Monday, not Sunday, but I did a baaaaad thing yesterday. I sat down to watch TV for a few minutes...then I fell asleep. I woke up at 1 am and wobbled off to bed. As you probably noticed through the prior blogs, it had been a very busy week and weekend. By Sunday evening, after doing more errands, conference calls and housework, when I sat down, I pooped out.

I also have another piece of not great news. I have forgotten to weigh myself both yesterday and today. Yesterday, I got up early and started doing chores, had my coffee, ate a bagel and then realized that I had yet to weigh myself. Today was the same, started working on the computer (even before my shower this time) got involved in responding to e-mails from last evening, then with my head in the clouds, I totally forgot to weigh myself ...again. At the rate I am going, you would think my head whistles when I walk down the hall...

The good news is that I have been exercising regularly this past week. There were 5 out of 7 days that I did at least 30 minutes of rigorous exercises. I even did a brisk 30-minute walk today. It is finally becoming more of a habit, this exercising. I find that if I feel a bit tired or sleepy after working on the computer for hours, I get up and go for a brisk walk, about 30-minutes. I don't do the walk too long, I want to get back to the house wishing I walked longer. If I spend more than 30 minutes walking, I may get so sore and tired that I would be less willing to walk the next day. A little bit of psychological trickery going on... The result is that I do want to exercise daily, for at least 30 minutes. Once those 30 minutes feel really short, probably later this week I will increase it by 15 minute increments.

From what I have been reading, increasing exercises regimens slowly will not feel as difficult. If you work out hard initially, you are going to be less inclined to exercises as vigorously the next time. You will remember the pain, and find all kinds of excuses to not go out and do the work you promised yourself. By starting off easy (I have a very bad tendency to work out too hard initially), I feel a tad frustrated, wishing I would get more exercises, but I can translate that frustration into a drive to go out the next day and exercises again. So far it is working. As you found out, I have exercised 5 out of 7 days. Pretty darned good. And, I did not take 2 days off back to back. Did not exercises on Sunday, because I was a bit sore from the workout on Saturday.

The really cool thing about my current physical situation is that I seem to be recovering much faster than I have in the past. I seem to be a bit tender the day after a strenuous workout, but do not have any tenderness on the second day. I think my faster recoveries may be due to the combination of taking MonaVie and the new Stem Cell Nutritionals. As I have mentioned before, after being on the Stem Cell Nutritional, StemEnhance, I have found that my body does not bruise as easily as it used to. Originally, I could look at a pointy object and end up with a bruise. (not really, but I could bump into anything and end up with a significant bruise...really embarrassing...)

Back to weight management, I had not been very good about taking the Core4 System this last week. My clothes do not seem to have gotten tighter, so I have either maintained my current weight, or may have lost a bit. I took Cheat off and on (more off than on), last week, but did not remember to take the Accelerate, Lean or Flush at all. I know I promised to get on a better schedule, but at least I exercised. We shall see tomorrow.

Until tomorrow...

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