The timing actually is very good to start a business. I am not saying any business, but find a need for the current situation and expand on it. Find something that people cannot live without, even in tough economic times. Once you have decided on what you want to do, your personal determination will turn what may seem like an ordinary idea into a possible extraordinary idea. You need to be sure you have done your homework on the business, as we have discussed in prior posts, you need to mitigate risks and most importantly, you need to have a solid business plan. But if you can start a home based business in these tough economic times, think of how easy it will be to continue when the times get better, and they will improve. By starting a business now, you are already building for the future, and you will have built into your plans for how to survive when times get tough again.
The plan is the most important thing you can have in your arsenal. Failing to plan is planning to fail. Once you have that plan, you need to keep your determination, that is what keeps you going when things start looking very dicey. If you quit each time life got difficult, you would not be here today, nor would you be reading this blog. How many times have you heard variations on the cliche, fall down 4 times, get up 5? If the Wright brothers didn't keep trying to build an aeroplane, aviation may not be as far advanced as it is now.
How many businesses have you seen and wondered how they ever keep going day after day? Determination is what makes these people keep going. With determination (and a good plan), you can do just about anything with your business. We all need to keep our eye focused on our plans (adjusting as necessary to be sure we can get to the final goal) and not lose our strength of will to get there.
I have been reading a book by Harvey Mackay entitled, "Pushing the Envelope" and have found it to be quite inspiring. He has dedicated a whole chapter to determination and perseverance. He closes this chapter with the following quote, "Be like a postage stamp. Stick to it until you get there." As long as you have done your research on the business model, have built a solid business plan and are implementing it, keep on working the plan. You will ultimately succeed.
Until tomorrow...
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