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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

On the lighter side

As promised, this is going to be a "fluffy" night. I couldn't think of anything particularly funny to write. (actually, that is not true, what I wanted to write about would embarrass too many people) It seems most of the funny stories that came to mind were funny from my point of view, not from the person on the receiving end. I have since been struggling about what to write that would be enjoyable to read, but not tax the brain too much.

What I did learn today was that there are pelicans located in inland lakes in Colorado. Until now, I had only believed that pelicans resided in coastal regions. We are currently staying at a park that has several large lakes and I saw pelicans flying overhead today. Of course, Steve did not believe me and for those of you who know me, know I have a tendency to pull legs...so Steve's distrust was well founded. Luckily, as I walked around the lake (actually the park calls them ponds..biggest darn pond I ever saw...1.3 miles in circumference) I found an information board talking about the pelicans at the pond. Hence the name Pelican Pond (duh, Holly!).

[Whenever I see pelicans, I am reminded of the limerick, "The most wonderful bird is the Pelican, whose bill can hold more than it's bellican, he can store in his beak food enough for a week, but I'm darned to see how in helican."]

Anyway, there really are pelicans here in Colorado, specifically the American White Pelican. This bird is found in and around freshwater lakes in the inland United States. These birds are really large, at least as large as the brown pelican you see on the Pacific Ocean and they are white birds. Their beaks are yellow, and they have sort of a flattened "horn" on the top of their bill during breeding season. The one I saw today did not have the "horn" but the picture on the information board along the lake did show the pelicans with the "horn". Those horns only appear during mating season and somehow fall off after the season is over.

By asking some of the campers here, I also found out that the pelican population is year-round at this park. Based on the reading I have done though, these guys are supposed to winter in the Pacific and Gulf Coasts. I guess someone forgot to tell these pelicans that they are not supposed to stay in Colorado all year. Or, perhaps the campers are wrong, nah, campers are always right...aren't they? I am including a picture of an American White Pelican in case anyone is interested (compliments of wikipedia.com).

Take care and I will chat with you all tomorrow.

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