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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Weight Update and Dogs vs Cauliflower

Today being Sunday, I should be providing a weight update for the week. You wouldn't believe it, but I completely forgot to weigh myself this morning. I got up late, then started rushing around, drinking coffee, showering (not at the same time) and then getting dressed. After all of that I realized I forgot to weigh myself. Sooo... the weight update will have to take place tomorrow.

I would like to provide another humorous story today. As the title indicates, we are going to discuss what cauliflower does to dogs.... I bet you are giggling already. To backtrack a little, our two Yorkes have a tendency to want to eat anything we eat. That is most likely a trait of all dogs, but thankfully, we do not feed our dogs everything that we eat. What they seem to really like though is salad trimmings. I usually feed the bird pieces of vegetables and lettuce, but started (as a joke) to see if the dogs would eat the salad food too.

Apparently, the dogs figured that if we eat the salad, and the bird eats the salad, the dogs are supposed to eat the salad food too. As a consequence, as I have fresh fruit and vegetables and trim them, I will provide the bird and the dogs with some of the food. For the record, I do check with the vet before feeding the dogs any "people" food. We have discovered that both dogs really like carrots, only one likes celery, both dogs LOVE apples, and they both like lettuce. I do not feed the apple skins to the dogs, I think the enjoy the sweet part of the apple, but they do like the tart Granny Smiths... go figure...

Anyway, two days ago, as I was munching on fresh carrots, snap peas, broccoli and cauliflower, the dogs were sitting at my feet, looking pathetic and the bird was pitching a fit that I was not sharing any food. I knew they all liked carrots, so broke off several pieces to feed everyone. I then had the bright idea to see if the dogs would eat broccoli, which to my surprise, they did. I thought that was pretty funny, so gave them some more broccoli. Then, in my infinite wisdom, I gave them cauliflower. Since cauliflower is not really sweet, I figured the dogs would not eat it. I was wrong, they LOVED the cauliflower. Since I thought that was pretty funny too, (Steve sometimes thinks my sense of humor is a tad warped) I gave the dogs several pieces of cauliflower which they chomped up quickly. I was happy, the dogs had fresh smelling breath, the dogs were happy, they got treats, and the bird was happy munching on her cauliflower, broccoli and carrot.

I was happy that is, until yesterday. In the morning I noticed some odd rumblings coming from our littlest Yorke's guts. I figured he was just a tad nervous, that happens sometimes,and forgot about the rumblings after I took them out for their morning romp. Later in the day though, when sitting quietly at the computer trying to work, I would all of a sudden get this blinding stench wafting up. I would look down to find both dogs quietly curled up under the chair. The bigger Yorkie, Gypsy can be gassy when she is nervous, so I figured it was just her being obnoxious and dismissed (with much hand waving) the one-time stench and continued working.

The problem was that later, as we were sitting on the couch watching TV, even the little guy, Hawg, would let one rip so bad that your eyes watered. The bad part is that you could hear noise when his gas escaped.... He never clears a room, heck he almost never farts, but yesterday, boy, we couldn't get out of the room fast enough. That was when I started worrying about what was causing their gastronomic distress. Again, I took them out in hopes that whatever was bothering them would be gone. Last night, as we were all comfortably curled up watching TV again, both dogs must have had another gas attack. I couldn't see for several minutes, Steve ran out of the room and was gasping for breath. We then started really reconstructing what the dogs ate to determine the cause of the really, REALLY bad gas. Guess what, we figured out cauliflower is a great gasser...what raw cauliflower does do people, it does ten-fold to dogs. Don't feed your dogs cauliflower, no matter how much they may want some. You will suffer the consequences the next day...TRUST ME!!!

Hopefully this made you chuckle a bit. Tomorrow we will get back to more serious topics.

Until tomorrow...


  1. That was the most funny article I have read in a very long time! I was gut rolling while the tears were burning my eyes. I just gave my pug a huge core of Cauliflower. She ate most of it and then a bit too late, I read your story!! Is this what I am putting up with tomorrow??? HELP!!

  2. Patricia, hopefully your Monday was not as bad as we all know it will be. Enjoy life with your pug, they bring so much joy, even when eating cauliflower....

  3. lol...this had me laughing out loud too. And it might not just be the cauliflower that gave your poor little one's gas. Broccoli is known to give give gas also. That is why new mother's that are breast feeding are cautioned about eating it. It goes straight to baby and gives baby bad gas! So your poor little furbabies got a double dose! We give our Maltese x Shitzu cauliflower but in very small amounts and she hasn't had any problems with it yet.
