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Saturday, December 5, 2009

Another benefit of having a Home Based Business

There is another benefit to having a Home Based Business, other than earning an income and being your own boss. The other benefit is having the time to spend with friends and family. When you are working a regular job, you probably find that you do not always have the time or energy to spend quality time with your friends and family. Working for someone else tends to take a lot of your energy and if there is an occasion where you need to be with a friend or family member, you need to request that time off from your job.

With a Home Based Business, you do not need to request time off to go comfort a family member, or attend an important function with your friends. Since your time is your own, you can take off for what you would deem important issues and not have to explain that to anyone. As your own boss, you know what is important and what is not. Family is extremely important, and part of your family can very easily be your circle of close friends. By being your own boss, you are able to take time out of your day and be the support and comfort someone else so desperately needs. Because you are not worried about punching a time clock, you can really focus your attention to the person who is asking for your assistance. You are not distracted, you are able to spend quality time and offer quality assistance.

This ability to take time for people can also easily run into taking time for your customers. You will probably run into customers who may not necessarily need what you are selling right now, but if you offer them your time to listen to their needs, you are helping them in ways that you cannot quantify. By actively listening to your customer, you begin to develop a level of trust, and you may find that they will be more willing to come and ask you for advise if it is applicable. Even if you cannot offer the expertise they need, you can offer them support and perhaps help them to locate the help they really need. This will pay off in the long run again because that customer will learn that you can be trusted to take time out of your day to provide assistance.

I am not recommending taking time to talk to a constantly complaining customer or one that just likes to hear the sound of their own voice. I am referring to the customers who are really coming in with an issue and is truly looking for assistance. Once they trust that you are willing to provide assistance, even if it means directing them somewhere else, that customer will continue coming back to you, not necessarily for your advice, but because they trust you and your word. The fact that you take the time to really listen to what they say and then offer well thought-out suggestions will give them the comfort that you are not just interested in them as a money source.

Sometimes in our business, it is our business to help others without thought of lining our own pockets. We help our friends and family when we can, why shouldn't we also help customers the same way when they are looking for help? This way, even if you are unable to sell them one of your products or services today, you can be sure that the customer will remember your goodwill and will most likely return when they are in need of your particular products or services. Just because you help someone today and don't realize any monetary benefit doesn't mean that the person you assisted wasn't aware of what you were offering.

You may even find that customer returning at a later date, just to see what you do have to offer. They will be grateful that you were of assistance to them, and they will most likely tell others of your goodwill. Again, it is hard to quantify goodwill, but as word gets out that you are willing to be of assistance, you will find more people coming to you, not necessarily for help, but to see what you have to offer and see how well you do business. You may even become a model for other home based businesses. You never know how much good one good deed will do, but almost any good deed provides a ripple that then goes out and positively touches others.

Always be sure to take time to listen to your family and friends when they need you. Also take some time to help those customers that may come to you for help too. You never know how much your help will be remembered over the years.

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. There are plenty of benefits of having your own home-based business and can help boost your income. Having your own home based business is strengthening and fulfilling. You are making your own goals and desires come true.
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