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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Challenging Common Sense

You know that you are having a tough day when you can't even find an appropriate book mark for the book that you have been reading for the last week. Until today, I was using the paper cover as a bookmark, but now that I am almost a third of the way through the book, the paper cover flap doesn't work well. Here I am, sitting at my desk and seem to be incapable of locating an appropriate bookmark. What is wrong with this picture? On to better ideas...

Tonight we are going to briefly look at how to challenge common sense. Going into business for yourself is always risky, but going into business for yourself during these unstable economic times really looks like you do not have your head screwed on straight. Actually, if you think about it, going into business for yourself now could be the best possible time.

People are looking for alternative means of income. Your "regular" jobs are at risk. Many employers are cutting back, either in hours or in staff, or both. People who had been with one company for 20+ years are either being laid off, getting their salaries reduced, or their work hours reduced. Now is the time to start looking to additional forms of earning income. I am not talking about quitting your current job cold turkey and starting in a new direction, but to start a new direction while you are still employed. Do not start your new business when you are working your current job, but really take a good look at how much time you have after your regular job where you can redirect that energy into beginning a new business opportunity.

By re-allocating your hours (perhaps watch TV two hours less each evening), and applying that time to your new business opportunity, you will find that in relatively short order, you may just be earning an additional paycheck without hurting your regular job. Once you start earning an additional income, you will find that you can allocate more time towards your new endeavor. Depending on the business opportunity you get involved with, by the end of a year, you may be able to earn more part-time than you currently do at your "regular" job.

Tomorrow we will continue this conversation about challenging common sense and how to grow a new home based business without sacrificing your current employment.

Until tomorrow...

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