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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Exciting end to the week this week

This has been an exciting week. On Thursday, we discovered that we were included in a book written by Marsha Petrie Sue, "The Reactor Factor: How to handle difficult work situations without going Nuclear". You can imagine our excitement to receive a copy of Marsha's book with quotes from Steve included not only in the book, but on the back cover of the book.

We have always promoted relationship building with our customers in our personal business. For those of you who have done business with us, you know that we don't just sell you products, but make sure to talk with you and find out about you as a person. We want to be sure that we are satisfying your needs. We are more interested in providing a service to you rather than just taking money from you.

It was extremely exciting to hear that Marsha was going to include some of our philosophies in her book, but we didn't want to jump the gun and tell you all about it until we actually saw it in print. We didn't want to get your expectations up. In the next few days, I will have updated our website to show this new book and how you can get your hands on a copy.

Not that I am excited we are in print (and we didn't print it ourselves), but we are quoted on pages 160 and 161 along with a quote by Steve on the back cover of the hardbound book. I have read excerpts from this book and find it exceptional in helping work with difficult situations. Marsha has it set up as a lesson book and work book, so you can apply the various concepts she presents and have a plan of action. Once Steve has finished reading the book, I will finally be able to go through it too. Right now, I have to wait for Steve to fall asleep before I can sneak a few pages of reading. I do plan on purchasing another copy for my own personal use.

This book is useful for people who are employed by someone else, or by someone who is self employed. It teaches you techniques to diffuse difficult situations without you yourself losing control. I highly recommend it for anyone who is in business for themselves, or for anyone who is working for someone else. You will always encounter difficult situations, it is helpful to have on hand a road map on how to work around those same situations. Take a look for yourself www.marshapetriesue.com. Enjoy.

Until tomorrow...

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