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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The cost of bottled water and the water crisis

I have not been writing for the last two days because I have had a horrible cold. When I get a cold, I make an effort to drink large quantities of water to flush out the sickness and impurities in my body. I have a reverse osmosis system installed in my home, so all I have to do when I want water is go to the kitchen sink, place my cup under the special faucet and put water essentially from the tap into my cup. I do not like drinking bottled water, I think it tastes funny.

I realized that over the last weekend, I did not drink too much water (again) because once we finished what we brought from the motor home, we had to purchase bottles of water from a local vendor or the store. Walking over to a local vendor, we could purchase a 7 oz bottle of water for $3.00 per bottle. And here we were complaining about the cost of gas... We complain if we spend $3.00 for a gallon of gas to make our vehicles run. Here is someone charging $3.00 for 7 oz of water that is probably not any purer than that from the water tap. That cost made me curious.

I went online to find out what I could about costs of bottled water. On average (an not purchasing the top of the line water [is there such a thing?]) a 16 oz bottle of water could cost around $1.50 (when not at a motorcycle rally...). If a person drinks one 16 oz bottle of water every day for a year, they will have spent $547.50 in a year. If they just filled up a 16 oz thermos or container of water from the tap, it would have cost them approximately $0.02 per 16 oz, they would have spent approximately $7.30 for the same amount of water over the period of a year.

For starters, the price of bottled water is driven by access, if you are at a rally, you don't find many water fountains. Also, sometimes the tap water tastes funny due to chemicals added or to the hardness or softness of the water in the area. The United States has strict guidelines on how clean the drinking water is, and as a general rule, you will not get sick drinking water from the tap in the U.S. But, as our water tables continue to lower, even our tap water is going to get expensive due to scarcity and pollution.

If you believe that you are saving water by purchasing bottled water, think again. Going back to the example of drinking 16 oz of tap water for 365 days, you would have consumed 57 gallons of water. If you drank that same amount of bottled water, you would have also caused about 114 gallons of extra water to be used for production and purification of the bottled water. I am not even going to discuss what happens to all the thin plastic bottles that are left after you drink the water... This is not a way to save water or even save the environment.

Granted there are places in the world who have such a polluted water source that they have to use bottled water. Our goal is to become aware of the global water crisis and begin taking steps to preserve our drinking water before we have to rely on bottled water.

One way to reduce wasted drinking water is to not wash your car or other vehicle with water, but to utilize some of the waterless cleaning products on the market. The advantage of using a waterless wash on your vehicle is two-fold: first, you do not waste drinking water by pouring water all over your car to first get it wet and then rinse off the soap; secondly, you do not mix additional chemicals (soaps, cleansers, etc.) with the water run-off and then possibly pollute the local water table.

A waterless cleaning product that I think very highly of is UltraLuster Waterless Wash. When you use it, you are not using any more than would go on the car, there is no run-off onto the ground. You can stop when you want in the cleaning process, you are not obligated to complete the whole car before calling it quits. And lastly, in less time than it would take you to rinse, soap, rinse, dry and then wax your car, you have cleaned, polished and protected your paint.

With the current economic times, you want your car to look good for longer, it is critical that you take care of the paint on your car. UltraLuster Waterless Wash does an excellent job in maintaining your paint and not wasting water in the process. You car paint will look great much longer than if you used traditional soap, water and wax and you will have also helped to save water.

If you have questions about our Waterless Wash products, please feel free to contact me at hawgwash1@yahoo.com. Until next time...

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