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Monday, January 10, 2011

Yet another installment of Weekly Fun Facts

Welcome to yet another installment of Weekly Fun Facts. Tonight I am working on the fun facts in between time-outs during the Tostidos Bowl... It is challenging to pay attention to the game and try to find fun facts...but I will succeed... So, let's have some fun...

Did you know the only domestic animal not mentioned in the Bible is the cat?

The ferret was domesticated more than 500 years before the house cat...don't remember seeing ferrets in the Bible...will have to check on that one... ;-)

Did you know the female ferret is referred to as a "jill"?

Today's cattle are descended from two different species: wild aurochs (they popoulated Asia, North Africa and Europe) and eotragus - antelope-like Asian animals.

A Holstein's spots (a breed of cow) are like fingerprints - no two cows have the same pattern of spots.

In honor of football season - did you know that it takes 3,000 cows to supply the NFL with enough leather for a year's supply of footballs?

If you are looking to lose weight, do not drink Reindeer milk...it has more fat than cow milk.

Looking at averages, more people fear spiders more than death...

Did you know that all polar bears are left-handed? Now the next time you go to the zoo, you too will look to verify this useless, but fun fact.

Speaking of polar bears, did you know that their fur is actually not white but clear? Their hair is hollow and acts like fiber-optics, directing sunlight to their skin to warm them.

Since the only visible part of a polar bear that is not white is their nose, when they want to completely camouflage themselves during a hunt, they will cover their black noses with their paws. (...and I thought it was because someone was stinky...)

Did you know that it is a misdemeanor to kill or threaten a butterfly? This is noted in City Ordinance Number 352 in Pacific Grove, California. What I want to know is...how do the police know that you threatened a butterfly??? Do they file a police report? Also, what happens if a butterfly splats on your windshield? Are you in trouble???

More fun legal facts...All swans and all sturgeons in England are the property of the Queen. Messing around with either the swans or sturgeons (not the Queen) is taken as quite a serious offense...

Other than humans, black lemurs are the only primates that may have blue eyes...

Goats eyes have rectangular pupils...have you ever looked into the eyes of a goat...pretty weird...

The pupils of an octopus eye is rectangular too...

On a business angle... do you know the oldest business in the United States of America? Ok, get your minds out of the gutter... the oldest business in the United States is the cymbal company, Zildjian, which was founded in Constantinople in 1623.

Well, that should keep you giggling for another week. Hopefully this installment of Weekly Fun Facts has helped to make your Monday a little more tolerable.

Until tomorrow...

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