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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Who is Stressed Out?

Who is Stressed out? In today's current times, stress has become a word that is used often. The key is to determine if you are stressed out in a good way or in a bad way.

Now why in the world would anyone consider being "stressed-out" lately? Not that there is so much going on in the world today to get stressed over, is there??? Stressed-out is a state of mind. Some people stress over the littlest things, others need a mountain to fall on them before they become stressed out.

Me personally, I am stressed-out, but you could call it a very good stressed out. I am happily maintaining Hawgwash, LLC, along with keeping the social networking side of the business interesting. I have also picked up a consulting job during the "off" season and that has taken a good bite out of my time. Add to that the work involved in getting a new company off the ground, and yeah, you could say I am stressed out...

Stess is a matter of how you handle multiple tasks. The key to handling stress is deciding what is important and what is not important, and therefore not worth your time. I know this sounds over-simplified, but really, once you start looking at all the tasks at hand and deciding which ones are critical and which ones can be delayed, life does get less stressful.

The key to managing stress is learning how to prioritize and efficiently manage your time. You could run around like crazy, trying to get everything done, but then by the end of the day, you are exhausted, and still didn't get everything done you wanted to. If you are able to prioritize and then not do the stuff that is a time waster and really doesn't help you to achieve your goals, then your stress levels should be greatly reduced. Get rid of the stuff that is more busy work than productive work. Just because the house needs dusting, doesn't mean you should forgo sleep to get it done. Those dust bunnies will be there the next day.

If you don't take care of yourself, nobody else will. Therefore it is critical to know when you are truly getting stressed-out versus just being busy. Remember there is good stress and bad stress. Good stress is different for each person, but good stress will drive you get go past your comfort zone and accomplish things you didn't think you could do. Bad stress will upset your stomach, will affect your health and could turn you into a growling person. If you feel yourself slipping into that type of stress, take a brief inventory and find what extra tasks you are currently doing that don't really need to be completed now. You may be amazed at the little tasks that have filled up your plate that are now making you crazy.

So, to answer the question, yes, I am stressed out, but it is a good, productive stressed out. I continue to take stock of all the tasks I do, and am continually learning how to reassess tasks and redistribute as necessary.

Until tomorrow...

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