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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Weight Loss Report In Day

Well, here it is, another Sunday and time for me to report on how my weight loss for the week has gone with the Core4 product line. I am very happy to report that despite the stress related to this week, I managed to lose a pound and a half.

I attribute this weight loss very simply to the fact that I did as I promised last Sunday, I exercised moderately for 5 out of the seven days this week. For my body, that is how I get the Core4 products to work. What I discovered with my particular metabolism, I have to do more than just sit in front of the computer in order to lose any weight. Even if I do not eat as much, if I sit and do no strenuous movements, I will not lose a pound. I am quite sure that due to my use of the Core4 products though, that I did not gain any weight when I spent the whole week working in front of the computer.

I finally figured it out. While we were on the road, going from motorcycle rally to motorcycle rally, I had to walk the dogs at least three times a day. At least two of those three walks were about a mile in length and they were brisk walks. You may not think Yorkies walk a lot, but these two can easily walk for a mile and still want to go further.

Once home, I don't have to walk the dogs, we have a relatively large back yard that the dogs love to run in. They prefer running around in the yard to walking because they can actually run around where THEY want to go. Anyway, I am wandering off the subject.

I did not do a tremendous amount of exercising this week to lose that pound and a half, I did a brisk walk for anywhere from 20-30 minutes for 5 days. That is all I did for exercising. I played on the exercise ball once, but I didn't want to do too much after all that inactivity.

Next week I will continue to walk briskly for a minimum of 20 minutes and then start adding some light exercises another time during the day (exercise ball, some stretching, etc) those light exercises I will do only 3x a week and for about 20 minutes. I truly believe that as I stay on the Core4 products and do the light exercising (no pain...no pain..) that I will continue to lose weight, even through the holiday season. This way you can see that all you personally need to do in order to lose weight is to begin using the Core4 product line and some light walking.

I will continue to keep you posted on my progress.

If you want to learn more about the Core4 system, you can either e-mail me at hawgwash1@yahoo.com or go to www.hawgwash.net/CNICore4.htm.

Until tomorrow...

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