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Friday, July 30, 2010

New Product Release from STEMTech

Well, I was unable to attend the annual STEMTech convention this year, but did have the opportunity to watch some of the events through the Internet. It was not as good as being there, but even through the Internet you could feel and see the energy at this annual event. The biggest buzz regarding the annual convention was the new product release from STEMTech. We were not given any indication of what the product could be, other than it worked with the existing STEMTech product line.

As the web cast opened, we were introduced to Ray Carter (President and CEO)and Christian Drapeau (Chief Science Officer). They danced around the idea of telling us what the new product would be but decided against telling all of us until later in the meeting. The excitement in the room was palpable. What Ray and Christian did unveil was a newer, cleaner STEMTech logo, which is great, and they introduced some new and even better ways to earn additional income with STEMTech. They also simplified the brochures for all of us to use. Not only that, but they have finally come out with a simplified brochure for us to explain the compensation plan.

The compensation plan for STEMTech is already quite good, but there was no real overview of how the plan worked. You actually had to sit down with others and discover your own short version of the comp plan. Now we will have the ability to have a standardized short version which we can leave in your hands for review. Our various groups had developed our own simplified version of the compensation plan, but this now makes the summarization global and consistent. That was AWESOME!

After reviewing the brochures, Ray and Christian explained some new global bonus pools that will be available for all of us starting August 1st. These pools look awesome, but it was explained so fast (and the web cast was a bit bumpy..) that I will not even briefly cover those here until the plans are posted on the website.

Finally, after much teasing and a break Christian came back out to start telling us about the ingredients and concept that is part of the new product release from STEMTech. To backtrack a little, we currently have our flagship product, StemEnhance which allows your body to release about 25% more of your own adult stem cells from your bone marrow into your circulatory system. We then have a product, StemFLO which improves blood circulation and helps the released stem cells to be circulated into the areas of need. These products used together do a great job in keeping us feeling good, helping our bodies to renew themselves and for overall good health. So, what could be added to this that would enhance what we already have????

It is a product called ST5 with Migrastem (not sure on the spelling, couldn't see the PowerPoint slides well through the web cast). According to Christian, in scientific studies conducted, Migrastem (sp?) supports the adult stem cell migration into the tissues of the body. When a tissue is in need, Migrastem manages to improve the migration of the needed adult stem cells into that particular tissue. Now we have a means of not only releasing more adult stem cells into our circulatory system, and improved circulation so the adult stem cells can get to where they need to go, we now have a system that will allow those adult stem cells get absorbed better into those tissues in need. Pretty awesome stuff.

ST5 is a powder that can be mixed in any liquid. It will aid in the body's renewal process, will provide balanced/sustained energy, provides added vitamins and minerals so that you do not have to continue taking those multi-vitamins, because of the protein and fiber in ST5, it is an appetite satisfying product (you will not feel as hungry because your body is getting the protein and fiber it needs) and it low calorie which helps reduce body fat and improve muscles.
Some highlights of ST5 is that it is 150 calories and is more of a dietary supplement, not a meal replacement; it has 14 grams of protein, 2 grams of fat. It is gluten free and has no artificial items in it at all. ST5 sounds like an awesome product, I can't wait to get my hands on some and play with it.

After the conference I will have more specifics on ST5, but you can bet, I am very excited about this addition to the STEMTech product line. The attendees at the conference were able to drink samples of ST5 and I believe ST5 was ready for purchase (the web cast ended before that part of the conference was over - imagine my frustration when the web cast ended when Christian was in mid-sentence...). Keep your eye on this blog on Monday to see what else has occurred at the conference. There was no other scheduled web cast, so we will all have to wait until after conference for us to get the remaining information from the attendees. The new product release from STEMTech, ST5 is very exciting, once we get it in our hot little hands, you can taste it and start feeling immediate benefits... We all look forward to getting this product out into the field and showing the world how this additional product will help improve overall health and wellness.

Until tomorrow...

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