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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Business Opportunities with Hawgwash

We are currently reviewing business opportunities with Hawgwash, LLC. Last night we reviewed a business opportunity through the STEMTech products (stem cell nutritional products). After re-reading the information that was provided to you last night, I wondered, where was the business opportunity in that conversation. Apparently, I have been woefully lacking in talking about the business opportunities. I have been providing all kinds of information regarding the products by STEMTech, mainly because they are awesome products, but I completely missed the boat regarding talking about the amazing business opportunity that can be found with STEMTech. Shame on me. I will rectify that oversight tonight and then move onto some other business opportunities that are offered through Hawgwash, LLC too.

As great as the STEMTech products are, if you are in a financial bind, even the best products for your health will seem to be unattainable. Fortunately for us, STEMTech has a great business opportunity built behind the awesome products they offer. If you are unsure what you may be able to do with STEMTech and don't want to do a lot of reading up front, they have created a simple to understand video summarizing the business opportunity. The difference with this product is that you can now offer the first stem cell enhancer to people to help them to improve their own health and wellness. If you are not healthy, how can you enjoy any additional income you may earn. Since this is the first product of it's kind to the market, you end up being in the right place at the right time. You have all probably heard something regarding stem cell research, and the STEMTech products utilize not embryonic stem cells, but your body's own natural adult stem cells.

Because of this increased media coverage, you get almost automatic advertising. All you have to do is mention that you have a stem cell nutritional, and most people have already heard something and are willing to hear more. Once you have their interest, all you have to do is to provide them with a little more information and your business is on its way to success.

I will not go into detail with the compensation plan for STEMTech, except to say that it is an excellent plan. This blog is not the forum to go into nitty-gritty details of any compensation plan, but if you are interested in obtaining more information on the STEMTech business opportunity, please feel free to either call me (the phone number was on the bottom of the attached video) or e-mail me at hawgwash1@yahoo.com with your questions. I look forward to hearing from you.

Tomorrow we will cover the other business opportunities that are offered through Hawgwash, LLC in the event that the stem cell nutritional products and that opportunity do not rock your boat.

Until tomorrow...

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