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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Are you Healthy?

Today we are going to change the topic a bit. We have talked much about what is going on, where we have been in the last 2 months, and our pet's health. But beyond all of those items, tie biggest question that you need to ask yourself is, Are you Healthy?

If you are not healthy, you cannot do a fraction of the things you want to do. Not only that, but your attitude may also reflect your declining health. If you are not healthy, you will find yourself doing less and less and before you know it, you are letting things fall apart around you. The funny thing is, if you are not healthy, you may not even notice that you are letting little things slip at first. Sometimes you may look at a task that you would have in the past taken for granted, and decided that the task was too much for you to handle now. If that starts happening, you need to ask, are you healthy?

"A life filled with quality in work, thoughts, companions and activities can strengthen your natural immunity to germs, viruses and negative hereditary influences". - Stephen Blauer

You may have noticed that when you don't feel great, not sick, but just tired, that little tasks seem insurmountable. Most likely those tasks seem so difficult because your body is trying to heal itself and doesn't want to be distracted being forced to do other things. In this busy world we are currently in, and especially in this extremely stressful job market, it is very easy to forget to listen to your body and determine if you are healthy. Many people get really stressed about their financial situation (actually, I don't know ANYBODY who doesn't get stressed about that..) I realize that the term "healthy" is a relative term, but you know when you are not performing at your best, or when you are feeling run-down. It is important to at least listen to your body and be aware that something may not be good. As you become less healthy, you may also tend to make bad business desisions. It is critical to remain healthy so that you can make the best decisions possible when decisions are needed.

High stress levels can constrict circulation and can negatively affect the organs of the body. If you notice that you are under a lot of stress, you may want to consider some methods of relieving some of that stress [and no, shooting the object of your stress is NOT an option ;-)]. Some people believe that meditation is a good tool to promote relaxation and manage stress, others believe physical exercises can do the same. I know when I am really stressed, meditation is the last thing I need to do, I need the release of physical energy before I can even consider meditation. After a good work-out (which could simply just be a brisk walk outside for 30 minutes) I am much more inclined to effectively meditate, but that is me. Everyone has a different way of dealing with stress, and relieving it.

Physical activity does release endorphins, which do make you feel better. So, if you can do physical activity for a brief time, you may feel better and then be able to get a better perspective of how to handle the stressors of your life. Stress is a part of life, the key is to find ways to manage it so it doesn't manage you. If you continue to remain stressed, it is like having your body in overdrive for extended periods of time. That will wear your body down and you will start finding that you are not as healthy as you used to be.

Little things will wear you out, little annoyances will seem huge, you may find that you catch colds easier, or your allergies bug you more. If you start seeing some of these warning signs, take a step back and ask yourself, "Are you healthy?"

We at Hawgwash, LLC may have some nutritional items that could help reduce the effects of stress on your body, but you will need to not just rely on nutritional products to keep you healthy. Nutritionals are good in addition to a healthy lifestyle, but do not expect the nutritional products to "fix" all that is unhealthy in you. A sound nutrition and exercises plan are among the most important factors in reducing your stress levels. If you are interested in working towards improved health, please check out our website, we carry two types of nutritional products that may work well with your lifestyle. One is Stem Cell Nutritionals by STEMTech, which help support your natural stem cell physiology. The other nutritional product is a variety of juice blends by MonaVie.

If you have questions regarding either of these nutritional lines, please feel free to contact us at hawgwash1@yahoo.com. We would love to hear from you and we will strive to answer your questions quickly and accurately.

Until tomorrow...

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