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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Helping others and StemTech

For the last few days, we have been helping a dear friend catch up on miscellaneous work and help get her business chugging forward. Yesterday, we helped her to organize her garage so she could easily find what she needed when she needed it. (How many times have you wandered into your own garage, only to see a huge mess and not find what you initially went out to locate?). We were able to recruit her 18 year old son to get much of the heaving lifting done and by the end of the day, she had a great-looking garage, with everything neatly stored and sorted and on shelves for easy access.

Now that her garage is organized, we are working today with her in getting her StemTech business rocking and rolling. The StemTech products have been able to help her body feel a little better, thereby improving her quality of life. Because she is experiencing positive results, we want to help her to get the word out to her friends and associates to at least take a look at what StemTech products have to offer and see if perhaps those same products can help improve other people's quality of life.

Our ultimate goal here is to help her first to feel better. I know that sounds suspicious, since there are so many people out there looking to line their personal pockets with money first, but honestly, we would rather see her healthy and happy and then see all of us becoming financially free. For those of you who may be unfamiliar with the StemTech product line, they offer stem cell nutritional products that allow your body to naturally release it's own adult stem cells into the blood stream. It is being found that stem cells are the building blocks of the body, and if you have more adult stem cells floating around in your blood stream, you have a higher likelihood of those same stem cells repairing and/or replacing damaged cells and tissues in your body. If your body can naturally heal many of it's problems, your quality of life will improve. By taking the StemTech products, you are not putting additional chemicals and additives in your body and risking negative side effects. StemTech products are a completely natural botanical and in most people have been found to have no negative side effects.

Your own body makes and stores much of it's adult stem cells in the bone marrow. What some of the StemTech products do is to allow your body to release about 25% more of those stored stem cells into your circulatory system so that you have more adult stem cells essentially running around able to repair/replace cells and tissues faster. By being able to heal yourself faster, your quality of life improves, your attitude improves, and you want to go out and do more. We are working to help our friend resolve some of her stressors, so that she can continue to improve her quality of life, both physically (through StemTech) and mentally (by helping organize her garage for instance) so she can then have more energy to enjoy everything else.

So, we have been busy helping her with various small tasks, but more importantly, helping lighten her load so that she can focus on getting healthier. This is the best part about being in business for ourselves, we can not only work our business, but we can help others improve their quality of life without worrying about a job back home. One of our main business goals is to be able to help others improve their quality of life. Well, we need to get back to work and start working on a press release for her, so she can explode her business as her health continues to improve.

Until tomorrow...

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