It is fun to sit down to a meal, look at the plate of food and not desire to clean the plate and then ask for seconds. My appetite overall has decreased, and when I do eat, I get full much faster. I think (and this is just my unscientific opinion) that the reason my desire for food has decreased is because what I am consuming is better for my body. As you are probably aware, I have been taking the full dosage of STEMTech products, StemEnhance and StemFLO, for a little over two months now. I have noticed that my appetite has decreased significantly over those same two months.
I can now look at food and not crave large portions. My desire for candy, and anything sweet has been greatly reduced also. We have been striving towards eating more balanced meals, but I believe the nutritional supplements that I have been taking has been largely responsible for my decreased appetite and reduction sweet cravings. I have read in the past that your body will crave what it lacks, and since StemEnhance and StemFLO are helping cleanse my body of antioxidants and increase adult stem cell circulation, my body is not craving all the "bad" foods that I had been eating.
My appetite has been reduced, but is not gone. I still get hungry, but once I start eating, I get full much faster. It is like my body is satisfied with less food. The portions are smaller, but my stomach rumblings are not as frequent either. This is very good when I have been working very hard to take the weight off. I have mentioned in previous blogs that my weight gain and loss has remained static for many months now. You can probably also sense my frustration with that static weight. Now that the STEMTech products are fully in my system, I am hoping that my body has been able to repair the parts that have been preventing me from losing the additional weight. We shall see, hopefully my theory is correct. If so, then that may just throw into the wind the concept of weight loss products. If my theory works, then all you really need to do is maintain a balanced diet and light exercises to lose the excess tonnage that you may have acquired over the years. We will continue to test this theory and I will keep you posted on my progress.
Until tomorrow...
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