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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

How to get the Most out of Your Business Opportunity

Tonight we are going to briefly discuss some ideas on how to get the most out of your business opportunity. You have a business that you are trying to get off the ground, or you have a business opportunity that you have been working, but it doesn't seem to be growing anymore. The questions you may be asking yourself is if you have maximized the opportunity, or if you are in the right opportunity. Being unable to grow a business can be very frustrating, especially in today's economy. We are all looking for ways to stretch our dollars, and if our dollars are shrinking as we are stretching, that is when we all get really stressed.

The key is to take a good hard (and honest) look at what you do and why you do it. You can only control the efforts you put into the business, you cannot control the success or failure, you cannot control outcomes. The first question is do you still really enjoy what you are doing? Take out the current stresses, but look at the business and products you are offering. If current money concerns were not a factor, do you look forward to working your business? Do you look forward to working each day? If so, are you working at your best?

If you want to improve your performance, you need to be realistic about how you plan on improving it. Not only do you need to be realistic, but you need to identify very specific steps in order to achieve your performance goal. You can't just say, "I want things to get better". You need to identify what "better" is, and when you want that "better" to be "Better". Be sure to identify small steps over a specific period of time. By using a bunch of small steps, you can actually show success, but proving that you have achieved those small steps. It is really amazing how, when you connect the dots of all those small steps, how fast you can come to achieving your improved performance goals.

We use a small book that has been pre-printed with particular baby steps on each page. Each page is representative of a particular day, and each baby step on that page has a point value assigned to it. By consistently reviewing and performing the baby steps each and every day, we mark off the number of points accumulated each day. The goal is to achieve a minimum of 25 points per day or at least 175 points a week. Each of those baby steps may not have to be performed daily, but a combination of those steps every day will lead you to your goal much faster than you would have thought. This plan has improved our focus, and has improved our business building. We are becoming more successful as time progresses, we are not as discouraged if we may have had a bad day, because we know that we can make up the points in future days. The key is to not lose sight of your performance goal.

Life will always get in the way, but if you focus on the small steps that will lead you to your goal, you will ultimately achieve your goal. Do not be afraid to modify the small steps, those may change as you near your goal, or they may change due to exterior circumstances. There is always more than one path to your goal, keep your eyes open to the alternate paths. That new path may be something you never thought of before, but it may be the one path that gets you to your goal faster. Stay open to new ideas and thoughts, but do not lose sight of your ultimate goal.

Until tomorrow...

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