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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Brief Weight Loss Update and Stuff

I know I said last night that I would continue our discussion on how to start a new home based business with no spare time. But...not tonight. I want to write the article correctly, and more importantly, coherently, and cannot do that tonight. I was outside in the sun too much today and am still feeling quite ill. So, I am going to do the next best thing, provide you with my weekly weight loss update and explain why I was out in the sun too long.

My weight has gone up a few pounds since last week. That is due to water weight and I believe the fact that my allergies are really trying to make me crazy. I am feeling quite bloated, especially first thing in the morning. Once I have showered and had at least 64 oz of plain water, the bloating goes away. The problem is that once the bloating is gone, I can't weight myself again since I ate and obviously drank water. I will have to find a better time to weigh myself during this allergy season. As mentioned yesterday, my allergies are not as bad this year, and I attribute that to the STEMTech products providing my body enough tools to work on repairing itself, but my body seems to want to store lots and LOTS of water. Hopefully that will resolve itself shortly and my weight will most likely not only go back to where it was, but decrease. My appetite has decreased dramatically so my weight should be dropping also.

Onto the reason why I am feeling ill. Since it is getting close to our annual trek, Run for the Wall, we met up with another friend today to improve our motorcycle riding skills. He has a location where we can review the basic motorcycle handling course and practice on the areas we are weak in. We measured out two different slaloms, some emergency swerving boxes and a u-turn box for us to practice our safe-riding techniques. The techniques we practiced are the same ones used in the advanced rider course the local motorcycle safety classes offer. It was nice to see that my skills have not deteriorated as badly as I expected, but, I know with practice, I could get a whole lot better. Today we practiced on five different maneuvers until we could do them cleanly and swiftly. There was the slalom where the cones were 15 feet apart and offset by 3 feet. This is tough because the spaces between cones are pretty close, and with the 3 foot offset, there is a lot of turning involved in a short length. Then there was the much easier slalom which placed the cones 25 feet apart from each other with a 5 foot offset between cones. This exercises could be done at a reasonable speed. We then had a box set up to practice close u-turns (simulating making u-turns on a two-lane road) and two additional lanes to practice fast, controlled stopping and then fast swerving. Overall, these 5 exercises sum up the basic riding techniques that need perfection in order to remain a safe motorcycle rider.

We practiced our riding skills in a very large and empty parking lot, but for me, unfortunately, it was in the sun. Since I was riding my own motorcycle, I could not wear the usual big, floppy brimmed hat and subsequently got too much sun exposure. I did wear sun-screen, but that did not seem to help too much. I didn't realize how much I usually keep myself shaded from the sun. By the end of our practice, I was feeling "green around the gills" and have been pumping water in my system ever since. I am feeling somewhat better, but still have a really bad headache and my stomach is upset (probably due to the massive amounts of water I am trying to consume).

I promise that tomorrow we will pick up the thread from Tuesday, how to get a business started with the limited time we have.

Until tomorrow...

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