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Friday, March 5, 2010

Business Networking

Tonight is going to be a very brief discussion. Business Networking is NOT a brief subject, but I wanted to introduce it as a discussion point and will continue to touch on this topic over the upcoming weeks. As we have discussed before, networking your business is most important if you want to stay in business.

Networking in general has received bad press in the past, but the term business networking is a marketing method where you create opportunities through networks of like-minded people. It would be the equivalent of a common interest club or group. You get a group of like-minded business people together, and you all learn about each other, in both the business and somewhat personal sense. By doing that, you may know someone who could use another business person's services, and the reverse could very easily be true.

Networking means you are essentially creating a net, or web (like a spider web) where each fiber leads to another like-minded business entity. As you build this net, you will find businesses that may compliment what you have to offer. If you are in need of a particular item or service, your network should be the first place you would look. You could follow one strand of that net to a business that would serve your needs. In reverse, that business would be able to locate you the same way, because of the net you helped to create. Building this net can build new business relationships and generate new business opportunities.

Business networking can be much less expensive than paper marketing (advertising in newspapers, sending out flyers) and can be much more valuable for you. By personally networking with other business owners, you get to know the people along with what they have to offer as a business. Instead of just looking up a name in a phone book, you have a person that you have built a professional relationship with already, so you are more comfortable working with them. On the flip side, that other business may know someone who is looking for the services and products that you may offer, and the other business may get their friend to contact you. You didn't directly market to that third party, but by business networking, you were able to indirectly touch that third party.

If you would like more information on business networking, stay tuned for future blogs. If you are interested in other business opportunities, or may be looking for something to compliment what you are already doing, please feel free to check out our website. You can always e-mail us if you have a specific question or request.

Until tomorrow...

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