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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Weekly Weight Loss Update

Hi everyone. Since today is Sunday, it is the day I have to fess up and give you an update on my weight loss. The good news is that the weight is continuing to come off, just slowly so I guess that is a healthy weight loss. Sometimes I am envious of the people who can drop the pounds in a very short period of time. Again, I have to think...Healthy weight loss. By losing weight slowly, I stand a greater chance of not putting the pounds back on.

Believe it or not, you are all holding my feet to the fire, I know that I have to check in with you once a week...and boy, there are days (like today) where I would rather forget to check in. I don't want you thinking that the products I am using are not working. Actually, they are, but I have been cheating like mad this last week and am somewhat embarrassed to admit it.

As you may remember from last week, I was starting the Core4 Ignite program again this week. It was my goal to go through the Ignite program (it is only 9 days long) about once every other month. Well, I put off starting the Ignite program until Tuesday. I did very well Tuesday and Wednesday. Then...stuff happened.

We went out to eat, and these chicken wings just happened to find their way onto our table. I have chicken wings about once a year, and boy, do I LOVE chicken wings. These wings in particular are awesome. I just COULDN'T pass up on those wings even though I was on the Ignite plan. The good news is that by Thursday, I had managed to lose 2.5 pounds, even with my not following the Ignite program properly.

I did well for the next day and a half until Saturday, when we were working at the Gold Canyon Marketplace. It was over 100 degrees out there, and I kept drinking a lot of water. The problem was that I needed to stay away from "white" foods and this bag of Cracker Jacks magically appeared at the booth. I didn't want to eat anything heavy, but the only sort of non-white food was the Cracker Jacks. So, they found their way into my belly...

I then had made rice and chicken for dinner. Unfortunately some of that rice did manage to find it's way onto my plate, but I didn't eat much (justification...). Today, I ate some more rice but really fell off the wagon, Steve made macaroni & cheese, and I really like that too...so I had some.

The good news is that I am still down 2.5 pounds from when I started on the Ignite program Tuesday. I am quite sure that if I was better at following the Ignite plan, I would have taken off more weight by now. I am still thrilled with 2.5 pounds and even when I am not being very good at eating, I am continuing to slowly lose weight.

I guess you could say I have a very "sticky" body. It likes the extra pounds I acquired over the last 4 years and doesn't want to give it up. I will be starting on a very light exercise schedule (beginning at home tonight) since I am no longer walking the dogs several miles a day. When we were traveling, I had to walk the dogs, now, all I have to do is open the back door and let them run around the backyard.

We shall see how well I do by adding more exercise to my schedule. Hopefully by next week, I will have even better news about the weight I have continued to lose. Again, I am very thrilled that I have not added any weight since starting on the Core4 products, I just wanted to lose weight faster than I have been.

Once I get the combination right for my body, I will let you all know. Please e-mail (hawgwash1@yahoo.com) me if you want more information on the Ignite program or go to www.weightrenegade.com to find out about the Core4 products.

Until tomorrow...

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