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Friday, July 31, 2009

Update on Weight Loss Saga

Well guys, here I was, planning on getting on the scale yesterday morning and boom, I get distracted. To explain better, since we are in the motor home, the bathroom scale can be used best right by the refrigerator (poetic justice?). Sooo, I place the scale by the fridge, notice the throw rug seems a tad damp so I touch it, trying to decide if it was really damp or just very cold from the night before.

Unfortunately, the rug was damp so of course, I have to investigate. Well, as I started feeling around the throw rug, I noticed the carpet was also damp. I then start moving all kinds of stuff (including my laptop case, boxes, papers, etc.) only to find not a damp carpet, but a sopping wet one. I would like to note, this is a great way to assist in any weight loss program...start stressing about where a leak is in a motor home before either breakfast or a shower...

After a good bit of swearing and moving of stuff (it is truly amazing how much stuff accumulates on the floor of a motor home when you are stopped for more than one day..) it was determined that we have a significant leak somewhere. It was not the fridge (goodie) but we did finally find that the sink was leaking fresh water like a sieve.

By the time we finished moving stuff and moping up the mess, I barely had time for a shower and was not even remotely interested in breakfast. After begging a cup of coffee from a neighbor, we went to the booth to work. It was then I realized that I never did get on the scale to weigh myself.

Does feeling thinner count? My clothes are really getting loser, the shirts I wear are not as tight, and I purchased jeans an inch smaller. The cool thing is the jeans fit, they are not overly tight. I only purchased 2 pair of jeans since I do plan on getting thinner than where I am now.

It is exciting to discover the small changes that your body makes when you finally start losing weight at a steady pace. I have not felt as tired, when I run with the dogs, it doesn't feel like I am doing more bouncing than running and I don't feel as jiggly as I had a month ago. I can't wait to drop another few inches and start getting back into my original "skinny" clothes. It will be really fun to see some of my friends, whom I haven't seen in several months. They will be able to see any changes in my shape better than me, they don't look at the flab in the mirror daily.

It is hard to see changes when you see yourself daily. I am going to start weighing myself every other day from now on, it looks like the weight loss is stabilizing slightly, and I don't want to have to report a day or two of no weight change. Even if there is no weight change, it is not demotivating, the fact that clothes are now fitting looser is a great motivator.

Good night for now, talk with everyone later tomorrow.

By the way, if you want more information on what I have been taking, check out www.hawgwash.irepcni.com

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