Welcome to yet another installment of Motivational Mondays. I apologize for not providing your Wednesday installation of Fun Facts and Trivial Tidbits, last Wednesday was more than a little crazy...actually, when you come to think about it, all of last week was absolutely nuts. Well, before we get too distracted and I wander off into a discourse of how crazy a week can get, lets work on our Motivational Monday topic.
Last week we talked about reviewing your past successes, learning from those successes but not reliving those same successes. Today we are going to talk about dreaming. Dreaming can be good for you and it can be bad. We are going to cover both aspects of dreaming tonight...
Remember when we were much younger (only a few days ago for me...) and we had all these big dreams about what we wanted to do and what we wanted to be when we grew up? Well, hopefully you all have not yet grown up. You should continue to dream and to dream big. If you dream about relatively simple achievements, you will never get motivated to go out and achieve those dreams. If you dream big, you stand a much better chance of becoming motivated to start working toward that dream.
There is a practical aspect to dreaming big though. Dreaming big is one thing, but you can't dream of becoming a runway model if you are 5' 1" and more than a little overweight. There has to be a bit of a practicality to your dreams. You know what dreams you have that you can achieve with a lot of work. Some people may just talk about their dreams, but never put any effort into working toward them.
If your dreams are real enough to you, there is no reason in the world why you wouldn't be motivated to start working towards them. Start a "dream board" where you begin putting pictures of what you want up on a cork-board or wall. As you collect these pictures of your dreams, you should start becoming more motivated to obtain those same dreams. Then, on the days, weeks or sometimes months where you feel you are lacking the motivation to do anything, you can look to that wall and remind yourself of why you are working so hard.
No doubt you have also dealt with those who are "dreamers". These people may talk about all the great dreams they have, but they never, ever, seem to get anything done. They only dream about what they could do or have, but they never make the effort to work towards that dream. That type of behavior can be very de-motivational (is that really a word?). Those are the types of people that you want to avoid because they could suck you into their dream, and keep you from doing what needs to get done to achieve your dreams.
Your dreams should be your source of inspiration, something that drives you to get up every morning, and the same something that keeps you up late into the night. They should get you excited about the future, they should drive you to plan and work to achieve those goals. Powerful dreams can move you to heights you may never even believed you could achieve. These dreams are what create greatness in man.
So, focus on your big dreams, develop your own "dream board" and start working on moving closer to achieving that huge dream you have always had. Even creating a dream board is a lot of fun. You may find that the more you build your dream board or wall, the more you want to continue to build it. That board can become an awesome inspiration to you and your family to keep working towards your dreams.
Until Wednesday (really...I mean it...THIS Wednesday...)...
Well done!! Via