Welcome again to the weekly (not weakly) edition of Fun Facts and Trivial Tidbits. Granted, it has been some time since our last installment, this week's information should keep you generally entertained.
How many of you, while at work, may wander by the vending machine to either get something out of it, or to stare at it wistfully hoping something in there will not make you gain weight? Well, did you know that more than 10 people a year are killed by vending machines? Really... so don't get too close to that machine, you might be one of those 10 for this year...
Thinking about losing weight? Talking about those killer vending machines didn't do the trick? Did you know that if you smell (not eat) bananas or green apples (or both it the mood strikes) can help you to lose weight? Try it, and don't eat the banana or green apple...
For some of you women out there, have you ever commented on your 'guy' spending soooo much time in the bathroom? Did you ever take note of HOW much time is spent in there? For some reason, it seems that guys like to spend a lot of time in the bathroom. If asked, some of them claim it is the only place they can get peace and quiet. Some believe it is a great reading room. Well, someone with a bunch of time on their hands has calculated that the average person spends 3 years of their life on the toilet. Geezz...my legs would have fallen asleep long before then...
In light of that little trivial tidbit, did you know that each year there are more than 40,000 toilet related injuries in the U.S. Most likely from all those numb legs after spending so much time sitting on the toilet...
Do you have a friend whose sole goal in life is to get as many shoes as possible? Did you know that almost 29% of women spend more time looking for shoes than looking for a life partner? Heck, at least shoes don't talk back and if you get tired of them, you can throw them in a box and give them to a charity. Can't do that (legally) with a life partner.... go figure.
Therefore it makes sense that 40% of women have hurled footwear at men.
While at work, how many times does that darned copier break down? For us, it happens quite a bit. I think we have now figured out why the copier mis-behaves... 23% of all copier faults are caused by people sitting on them and copying their rear-ends. And you wondered why the glass was smudged...
And lastly, you know we have come a long way. If you wanted your picture taken (not on a copy machine) by the very first camera, you would have had to sit still for 8 hours. Makes copy machines a little better to deal with (even if they do break often...)
Hopefully you enjoyed your weekly edition of Fun Facts and Trivial Tidbits...
Until tomorrow...
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