Last Monday, we were talking about what life was like 100 years ago, in 1910. We will continue looking at life 100 years ago so you can appreciate your current living situation (no matter how bad you feel about your current situation right now...).
In 1910 the American flag had only 45 stars on it. The population of Las Vegas, Nevada was only 30 people.
Crossword puzzles, canned beer and iced tea hadn't been invented yet.
Have you gone shopping for sugar lately? Just the plain white granulated sugar? Did you notice how much it costs? I was able to find a 4 pound bag for $4.39, which equates to around $1.10 per pound. In 1910 sugar cost $0.04 a pound. Yep, just four cents a pound. Wow, can you imagine how fat we would be if we could get sugar now for about four cents a pound?
Eggs were $0.14 per dozen. Eggs are on sale here, 18 for 1.79 which equates to about $1.19 per dozen. Not as bad, but still kinda scary... Here is another fun fact, coffee was $0.15 a pound. I am lucky if I can find cheap coffee at $6.99 a pound. If coffee has gone up so much in price, why do more people drink it now than before? Also, how many of you will go to a Starbucks and actually spend $5.00 for a cup of coffee? Come on guys, that's a lot of money for a cup of coffee...no matter how good it is. That reminds me, how many of you saw the movie, "The Bucket List"? Do you remember the segment in there when Jack Nicholson was going on about how great this one coffee bean was? Do you remember how they collected those beans? And he wanted to pay HOW MUCH for that coffee??? Do you remember why Morgan Freeman's character would not drink that particular coffee?
On to different items, in 1910, most women only washed their hair once a month. Guess what they used to wash their hair? Borax or egg yolks were used for shampoo. Does egg yolks start smelling after a few weeks???
At one point in 1910, Canada passed a law that prohibited poor people from entering into their country for any reason. Wonder why... ;-)
In 1910, the five leading causes of death were: Pneumonia and influenza (the flu); Tuberculosis, Diarrhea (didn't know that, will have to give that issue more respect..); Heart disease; and Stroke.
Neither Mother's Day nor Father's Day had been created yet.
Two out of every ten adults could not read or write and only six percent of all Americans had graduated from High School.
Really makes you a little happier to be living in this day and time. Next week we will be continuing our fun facts segment so that you can continue to amaze and frustrate your friends and family.
If you are looking for some form of second income or something to supplement your current income (so you can buy that sugar and coffee), check out our website, we may have something that would interest you.
Until tomorrow...
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