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Friday, June 25, 2010

Stay Motivated?

Ha!!! That is a major task that many of us may occasionally have problems with. It could also be something that a lot of people consistently have problems with. Who me, stay motivated? How do you do that? Heck, I can stay motivated for a little while, but there are days, where I just don't want to play anymore.... Then after a day like that, I am able to rebuild that feeling and get going again.

So tonight, I would like to cover some "tricks" I have used to stay motivated. It works a lot of the times, but as I mentioned before, they don't always work, so don't feel bad because you don't find these "tricks" won't keep you motivated all the time. Motivation is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, driving forces in life. If you were not motivated to do something, why would you do it? Pretty simple concept. Motivation makes the difference between success and failure. Motivation requires great strength, endurance and clear thinking.

In order to stay motivated, you must be inspired by something. You really have to love what you do and why you do it. If you are not inspired by what you do, you will find that you will put off the actual doing of the task until such a time that you MUST complete the task (you are INSPIRED to get the task done, whether you like it or not..) Getting into some version of networking with other people will help you stay positive and focused on what you want to do. Sometimes these people may help re-inspire you in your tasks. Networking groups can help you in life and contribute in your business motivation. You will feel less alone and will be more inspired to continue working your business.

Another way to stay motivated is to strive to ignore the unimportant problems. This is very difficult for many of us to do, because we sometimes have trouble differentiating what is important and what is really unimportant. When you identify an unimportant issue, and then choose to ignore it, you will find that you have been able to free up some of your much used energy which you can now focus on the important problems.

Sometimes I read success stories of others who have overcome major obstacles when I am feeling a strong lack of motivation. These success stories help me to get re-inspired and help me refocus on the important items (see paragraph above) that need to be dealt with. You may also pick up tips on how to be successful by reading these stories too. There may be occasions where the person in a story found an alternative way to solve a problem which you may be able to apply to a particular issue.

Most importantly, strive to be around positive people. Positive people will help you to stay motivated and focused on the tasks at hand. Angry, depressed and negative people will tend to suck your enthusiasm and motivation dry. Negative people will always find reasons for why things aren't going to work, you will spend more time and energy defending your decisions instead of implementing those decisions. Positive, energetic people will help you to remain motivated by supporting your ideas, or offering positive solutions to issues you are having.

If you are looking for alternative income opportunities, please check out our website. We specialize in second income coaching and consultation and have a wide array of opportunities to look at. One of those may be just the opportunity you have been looking for. We would love to help you find an opportunity that would meet your needs and help you to stay motivated.

Until tomorrow...

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