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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

More tasks to improve your Home Based Business

Yesterday we discussed how to improve your presentation for your Home Based Business. Today we are going to cover a few other items that can help you grow your Home Based Business. One key to building your business is to work on your contact list.

A contact list is a list of people you know. These are not just people you know who would be interested in your particular business, this is a list of people you know, either by sight, by name, or know well. When you are building your contact list, you do not want to pre-judge anyone you are writing down. You want to just write down everybody that you know. This way you will develop a good list of people to invite to look at what you are doing. For this list of people, you do not want to try to 'sell' them anything, you want to let them know that you are in business, and what you are in business about. This is essentially your notification list.

This list of people you know can provide very big exposures for you. I have hear that "professionals sort, amateurs convince". Once that you have notified your list that you are in business and have very briefly told them what business you are in, then let them start asking you questions. Do not overburden people with too much information up front. Not all of them are going to be interested in what you are doing, that goes to the sorting part of your job. If you start trying to convince everyone you know to get involved in what you are doing, you will find very quickly that people will essentially walk on the other side of the street to avoid having to talk to you. You do not want people to avoid you.

Your goal is to discover what these people know, what they are looking for in life. You need to listen more than you talk. By listening to people, you learn what they want, what they believe in, and in listening, you may discover that you can offer them something to make their life easier. But you must first listen and understand where they are currently before presenting your business opportunity or product or service. Sometimes, if you take yourself out of the equation, people may be more inclined to hear what you are doing.

The best way to take yourself out of the equation is to invite the people you know to a local meeting or party. That way, you are inviting them to come to an event about what your business opportunity is about, and someone else is talking about the opportunity that you are currently involved in. You want to be in attendance at that same event, so that you can answer and further questions and also to validate what was said by the third party. Sometimes people need to hear about an opportunity from a third party and then they will get excited. After the meeting, be sure to follow up with the person you had invited. You may be pleasantly surprised about the energy and enthusiasm that they found. Also by following up, you are showing the person that you are truly interested in their thoughts, whether or not they get involved. You will begin to build a trust with that person, and even if the business opportunity is not right for them now, they may think of you down the road, when they are interested in getting involved in some type of home based business.

Good luck and enjoy working your contact list, it should be a fun task, not a chore.

Until tomorrow...

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